Welcome to BeauUpMyLife2010!

Hi Ladies, thank you for visiting BeauUpMyLife2010! We hope that you will enjoy shopping with us as much as our pleasures to bring the trendiest fashion deals to you.

Feel free to let us have your queries, feedbacks and order placements at beauupmylife@gmail.com :D

Happy Beau-ing Up Your Life too!!!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Once you are ready to order...

Hi Ladies…Thank you for your time at our little BeauUpMyLife blog shop…

Ready to Order

Once you are ready to order, just drop us an email at
beauupmylife@gmail.com in the following format:

Your name:
Mobile number:
Delivery address:
Preferred delivery mode:

1) Postage by normal mail or registered mail
2) Meet up collection

Order items: Stating the “Item name / number / colour / size / price (if applicable)”

Confirmation from us

Once we have received your order email, we will revert to you with our email confirmation of stock availability.

You may may proceed to make payment to us via the fund transfer to our POSB Savings Account No. 062244844 within the 24 hours so that we can ship / deliver the items to you at the soonest.

Payment made

Once you have completed your payment to our POSB Savings Account No. 062244844, just send us another email with the following details for verification:

Name and iBanking nick:
Transaction Ref. No.:
Transaction Date and Time:
Total Amount Transfered:

We will reply once verification is completed and inform you of the expected delivery date.

Thank you and hope you had fun shopping with us.